U disk plus this fingerprint recognition function is more confidential

U disk data security is a problem we will ignore, and in order to avoid the U disk data being stolen, Elephone recently introduced a U disk with a built-in fingerprint sensor, called U-Disk.

U disk plus this fingerprint recognition function is more confidential

U-Disk's file system is divided into two parts: "public" and "private". The former allows anyone to read, write or delete data without authentication. The latter provides end-to-end encryption and modification. Data needs to be authenticated first.

The addition of fingerprint recognition seems to improve security, but in fact creates new security risks. The increased complexity of hardware (and software) will open up several types of attacks that have not been opened before. As for how this USB disk handles encryption and decryption, which encryption method is used, and whether it can really It will remain to be seen that any meaningful security improvements will be made.

Elephone has not yet announced the USB standard, storage capacity and price that this USB flash drive supports.

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